The D-A-CH Portfolio (Ireland) plc is an open-ended investment company with variable capital incorporated in Ireland under the Companies Act 2014 and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
To ensure complaints are resolved in an effective and transparent manner, complaints shall be notified in writing, either by letter or e-mail to: D-A-CH Portfolio (Ireland) plc.
25-28 North Wall Quay; Dublin 1
This is a free service and there is no cost fro bringing a complaint to the D-A-CH Portfolio (Ireland) plc.
The information provided by the complainant must clearly describe the facts underlying the complaint to which it refers. Furthermore, the complaint should describe the steps already taken by the complainant. In case the complainant does not act on its own behalf, sufficient proof should be provided by the complainant that it is legally entitle.
If the complaint is not satisfied with the response, it can either be referred to the Central Bank of Ireland or the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) in Ireland. The FSPO is an independent body that helps to resolve disputes and complaints with financial service providers. Further information on how to submit a complaint to the CSSF or the FSPO can be found on: